when-bunny-dies - some simple tools for rabbit debugging ** Prerequisites and warnings
Directory where this tool is downloaded should be readable by rabbitmq user. It'll inject some code into a running broker instance. This code shouldn't interfere with regular rabbitmq functioning. To purge it RabbitMQ needs to be restarted.
** Connecting to broker
Establishing proper long-lived connection to RabbitMQ node requires
knowing nodename, erlang cookie and net ticktime. By default
Makefile tries to automatically get them using rabbitmqctl, and
it should work most of the time.
But all this parameters can be manually set using make parameters like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh make shell N=nodename T=netticktime C=erlang-cookie #+END_SRC
** Interactive shell
#+BEGIN_SRC sh make shell #+END_SRC
After running this command you'll get an interactive erlang shell
to a running rabbitmq instance. Various helper functions from
user_default.erl will be available here.
** Debugging routing problems
There are some tools to debug an issue when exchange/queue/bindings exists, but messages are not being routed to a queue.
First command perform tracing of message routing process (works better when HiPE is disabled) #+BEGIN_SRC sh make troute f=/path/to/produced/trace e= r= #+END_SRC
For cases when HiPE is enabled, running the second command is also necessary: #+BEGIN_SRC make tdebug d=/path/to/dump/directory/ e= r= #+END_SRC
Hopefully these 2 commands will collect enough information to debug the root cause of the routing issue.