

26 stars
15 forks
1 issues


List of commits on branch master.

refactored a bit, fixed some typos

bbkiers committed 13 years ago


The README file for this repository.


A computational geometry library using arbitrary-precision arithmetic where possible, written in Java.

How to build CompGeom

  • if you have Ant installed, it's as easy as ant compile to compile all source files in the src/ directory. Or ant jar to compile all source files except the ones in the src/test/ directory and pack all compiled classes inside a JAR file.
  • if Ant is not installed, I recommend importing the project in an IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA and let the IDE compile the files, or create a JAR file of the compiled classes.

System Requirements

  • JDK/JRE 1.6 or higher
  • Ant (optional)


  • see the src/main/compgeom/demos/ class for some examples how to use the various algorithms
  • also see the API docs in the directory doc/api/
  • when executing the CompGeom JAR file (java -jar CompGeom-x.y.z.jar), the DemosLauncher class is executed which prompts a graphical dialogue window that lets you choose a demo to run


  • rational used for exact calculations
  • geometric primitives (point, line segment, line, polygon, rectangle)
  • Graham scan (convex hulls)
  • rotating calipers to find the minimum bounding box of a convex hull
  • closest pair of points
  • Shamos-Hoey algorithm
  • Bentley-Ottmann

Working on...

  • Voronoi diagram
  • Delaunay triangulation
  • polygon triangulation