A Java implementation of the Rotating Calipers algorithm to find the minimum bounding rectangle of a set of points.
The implementation is pretty straight forward: everything resides in a single class (RotatingCalipers). Simply copy the class in your project, and invoke one of the following methods:
getAllBoundingRectangles(int[] xs, int[] ys) : List<Point2D.Double[]>
getAllBoundingRectangles(List<Point> points) : List<Point2D.Double[]>
getMinimumBoundingRectangle(int[] xs, int[] ys) : Point2D.Double[]
getMinimumBoundingRectangle(List<Point> points) : Point2D.Double[]
getArea(Point2D.Double[] rectangle) : double
int[] xs = {-300, 200, 100, -400};
int[] ys = {-150, 200, -100, 0};
Point2D.Double[] minimum = RotatingCalipers.getMinimumBoundingRectangle(xs, ys);
int number = 1;
for(Point2D.Double corner : minimum) {
System.out.printf("corner[%d] (%.1f, %.1f)%n", number++, corner.x, corner.y);
System.out.printf("%narea: %.1f", RotatingCalipers.getArea(minimum));
which will print:
corner[1] (280.0, -40.0)
corner[2] (200.0, 200.0)
corner[3] (-400.0, -0.0)
corner[4] (-320.0, -240.0)
area: 160000.0