Show in the shell prompt where the Cloud Foundry CLI is currently pointing.
graham:~ []$
Currently tested on bash, with an aspiration to work in zsh.
Copy the file cf-sh-prompt
from this repository to somewhere on your machine.
Run the following commands at your shell prompt in order to try the prompt out
. /path/to/cf-sh-prompt
PS1="\u:\W \[\$(__cf_org)/\$(__cf_space)\]\$ "
You would expect the output to contain your username, working directory CF org & space. Like this:
graham:cf-sh-prompt [paas-demo/sandbox]$
If you change the org or space that the CF command line points to, the prompt will change too:
cf target -o backend -s production
graham:cf-sh-prompt [backend/production]$
To ensure that every shell opened from now onwards uses that prompt, add those
lines to your shell initialisation file, for example .bashrc
The shell functions available are:
: the URL of the CF API -
: the CF org currently targeted -
: the CF space currently targeted -
: the CF user currently logged in