Source code from 'Build Mobile Apps With Flutter and Google Maps' session at Cloud Next '19
"The recent release of Flutter 1.0 opened many exciting possibilities for building Android and iOS apps with a single codebase. This is especially true for apps that use other Google Cloud features like the Google Maps mobile SDKs and Firebase. Plus, it’s even easier to do than you think. In this session, we will cover what’s new in Flutter 1.0 and demonstrate how to build a location-aware mobile app using Flutter, Firestore, and Google Maps Platform."
Session ID: DEV305 product:Cloud Firestore,Flutter,Maps; fullname:Brett Morgan,Matthew Sullivan;
You can view the presentation for this session here:
This project is split into two branches demoing different UI styles but following the same idea.
You will have to set up Google Firestore and get a Google Maps API key in order to get the demo running. Instructions on how to do that can be found here: