Finitelight is a python package which adds functionality for calculating the time it takes light to travel a distance.
To calculate the time it takes for light to travel from an observer to an object given the following parameters:
- The distance to the object in kilometers
import finitelight as fl
distance_to_object = 300
light_travel_time = fl.lightspeed_time(distance_to_object)
To calculate the time difference it takes for light to reach two observers from an object given:
From observer 1's frame of reference, the viewing angle between the second observer and the object
from observer 1's frame of reference, the distance to the object, and the distance to the second observer
import finitelight as fl
distance_to_object = 300
distance_to_observer = 300
viewing_angle = 90
light_travel_difference = (distance_to_object, viewing_angle, distance_to_observer)