This is a very basic application for getting tram arrival times for Melbourne's tram network.
It's based on the TramTracker service.
Currently it's designed around a list of stops that a user is interested in which are displayed on the home screen. New stops can be added through the use of the pulley.
Selecting a stop will bring up a screen showing the arrival estimates for the stop (and optionally route - route selection is currently optional on the "add stop" page) selected. It also means that the application cover (ie on the task switching page) will show the arrival information for the soonest tram for that stop (and again, optionally route).
Updates on the stop page happen periodically (as of writing, every 30 seconds) or the "update" pulley option can be used.
If a stop has been selected, then the application cover also does period updates (again 30 seconds) if the application cover is active (based on the Cover "status".) These updates can be paused or an update can be requested explicitly using the cover actions.
This application is built using the Sailfish SDK.