Lightweight utility to automatically create sheet-scoped Names for selected cells based on their left-hand neighbors.
The built-in Ctrl+Shift+F3 keyboard shortcut, which invokes the
Formulas > Defined Names > Create from Selection
command, always creates names at the
workbook-global scope. To the best of this author's knowledge, there is no built-in functionality
for automatically creating worksheet-scoped names. This add-in attempts to rectify that omission.
To use, select the cells for which names are to be created and press Ctrl+Shift+N. The name applied to each cell will be created from the value of the cell to its immediate left.
The binary .xlam
file for each release can be found on the GitHub page for that release.
Copyright (c) Brian Skinn 2019
License: The MIT License
for full license terms.
Sheet-Scoped Name Generator is third-party software, and is neither affiliated with, nor authorized, sponsored, or approved by, Microsoft Corporation.