Tired of not having a last property on array in Javascript? Tired of not having contains method? This little script solves those by adding a bit of sugar allowing you to do:
Array.range(1,3) instead [1, 2, 3];
Array.min([1, 3]) instead Math.min.apply(null,[1, 3]);
Array.max([1, 3]) instead Math.max.apply(null,[1, 3]);
array.contains(o) instead array.indexOf(o) != -1
array.remove(o) instead array.splice(array.indexOf(o), 1) //remove returns true when o was removed
array.replace(o, n) instead array[array.indexOf(o)] = n;
array.findOne(test) instead array.filter(test)[0];
array.clear() instead array.length = 0
array.copy() instead array.slice(0)
array.unique() instead array.filter(function(function(itm,i,a){return i === a.indexOf(itm);}))
array.unique.push(item) instead if (~self.indexOf(item)) { self.push(item); }
array.unique.merge(arr) instead as previous but for all items in arr
array.insert(i,item) instead array.splice(i, 0, item); //plus insert can take variable number of args, not just one
array.isEmpty instead array.length == 0
array.first instead array[0]
array.last instead array[array.length-1]
Usable in any environment that supports Object.defineProperty(oldest would probably be IE9).
Available through npm and bower, just require(or include with regular script tag) and you should be good to go.
npm install array-sugar
bower install array-sugar
jspm install npm:array-sugar
Then require('array-sugar'); and you're done.
Angular ngSanitize module in it's method assigns to arr.last and this collides with our 'last' getter.
Nope, not really-just look at #smooshgate on twitter. Don't use this library.