A wrapper built upon the mongodb-async api with Reactor (http://projectreactor.io/) written in Kotlin, but fully compatible
with Java (due to @JvmOverloads
ReactiveMongoClient client = ReactiveMongoClient.fromURI("mongodb://<URL>");
ReactiveDatabase database = client.getDatabase("<name>"); //get a reactive database
//To get a collection, use
ReactiveCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("<name>");
//or with a specific type
ReactiveCollection<MyType> collection = database.getCollection("<name>");
//you can also use factory methods known from MongoCollection
//To find documents in a collection, use
Flux<Document> documents = collection.find(Filters.eq("name", "John"));
//then subscribe to it
documents.subscribe(document -> document.getString("name"));
//or use other functions from Flux
documents.map(document -> document.getString("name")).subscribe(...);
val client = ReactiveMongoClient.fromURI("mongodb://<URL>")
val database = client.getDatabase("name")
//in Kotlin we have some useful methods to avoid usage of T::class.java
val collection = database.collection<Type>("<name>")
//find documents of a specific type
val find: Flux<Type> = collection.findWithType<Type>(Filters.eq("my", "filter"))
//or without a specified type
val find: Flux<Document> = collection.find(...)
//then just subscribe to it
find.subscribe { println(it) }