Got tired of building a whole application just for making static sites non-redundant? There's an app for that, It's fairly simple to use and takes away the fiddly bits.
Moving on, let's get into it all.
Basic HTML files like `name.html` will be rendered as [Mustache]( templates when `` is requested. Files ending in `name.php` will be `required`. It's expected that those PHP pages will return their content as a string.
Error files will also be looked for in the pages directory; to add a custom 404 page, for example, make pages/404.html
If you put a config.php alongside the index.php, the parameters in the config will be passed along to the template. Note that you should not use this for data operations. Instead, make a PHP page than renders a template passing in the data.
This is not made to be an MVC replacement, just a simple system for easily making static websites sane.
The application is based on the Slim framework.
Versions will be listed here when they are released/archived.
This is a list of people who helped somehow with the project:
Name | Contribution | Twitter Handle |
Connor | Built it all. | @ConnorPeet |
Andrew | Contributor | @CypherServers |
Jonathan | Fixed the bloody README ;) | @JFKingsley |
This project is licensed under the MIT license so use it how you want, just don't sue me, and we can all be happy.