An inflexible alerts notifier.
Proboviro is a webhook for Prometheus Alertmanager sending alarms as push notification to an Android phone using NotifyMyAndroid.
It is a webserver which accepts only JSON POST with this structure:
"version": "1",
"status": "firing",
"alert": [
"summary": "summary",
"description": "description",
"labels": {
"alertname": "TestAlert"
"payload": {
"activeSince": "2015-06-01T12:55:47.356+01:00",
"alertingRule": "ALERT TestAlert IF absent(metric_name) FOR0y WITH ",
"generatorURL": "http://localhost:9090/graph#%5B%7B%22expr%22%3A%22absent%28metric_name%29%22%2C%22tab%22%3A0%7D%5D",
"value": "1"
To run Proboviro you must specify an API key (--apikey command line option) for NotifyMyAndroid.
The web server binds by default to This behavius can be changed with --bind command line option.
The application does not print unless --debug option is specified.
usage: proboviro --apikey=APIKEY [<flags>]
--help Show help (also see --help-long and --help-man).
-D, --debug enable debug mode
-b, --bind=":8082" bind to address
-a, --apikey=APIKEY notifymyandroid API key
--version Show application version.