This is a dissertation template for UW Madison. It builds on memoir.cls (which you'll need to have installed) and on the (venerable but subtly-broken) withesis.cls. You'll want to process your document with pdflatex. For best results, you'll want the following packages installed somewhere in your TEXINPUTS as well:
- amssymb
- amsmath
- hyperref
- theorem
(Note that none of these are required, and that you can comment out any of those packages if you don't need to use them.)
This package is included in the distribution, but you can use your own if you have a version more recent than 2007/06/30:
- enumitem
The following packages are used if you have them, but you can comment them out if you don't need/want them:
- microtype
- natbib
- mathpartir
- booktabs
- svn-multi
I suggest making one subdirectory for each chapter, and putting the .tex file and all of the figures for that chapter there. Then, simply \include each chapter in dissertation.tex.
By default, your pages and chapter headings should be set up to conform to the UW typesetting requirements. If you are making a version of your dissertation that doesn't require conformance to typewriter-era requirements (e.g. for the web or to make a nice printed copy), you'll want to create your own page and chapter styles in includes/preamble.tex and change frontmatter/frontmatter.tex to select your styles instead of the "deposit" styles.
Other files of interest include:
backmatter/colophon.tex: if you're a big nerd and want to tell everyone the excruciating details of your typesetting adventures, this is the place.
frontmatter/abstract.tex: your abstract goes here
frontmatter/acks.tex: your acknowledgements go here
frontmatter/frontmatter.tex: sets up the main structure for the front matter of your diss
includes/defs.tex: your commands/environments; includes one for epigraphs at the beginning of chapters and one for per-file SVN info
includes/preamble.tex: this is where you want to set up your chapter and page styles (see the excellent memoir class documentation on CTAN) and include any other packages you need
includes/thesisdefs.tex: some definitions adapted from the withesis document class
This template is basically unsupported, but you should feel free to email me questions -- just know that I might not be able to deliver a timely or useful reply. (On the other hand, I absolutely welcome patches that provide fixes or functionality enhancements.)
For your convenience, this template includes two files that are not in some LaTeX distributions. Both are covered under the terms of the LPPL; if you have a more recent version of either file, just delete the included versions. (Note that the "hanglist" environment for nicely-typeset enumerated lists depends on a fairly recent version of enumitem.)
- mcbride.bst is copyrighted by Chung-chieh Shan
- enumitem.sty is copyrighted by Javier Bezos
Again, these are available from CTAN and are only included here for your convenience. If your local LaTeX installation has recent versions of these files, please
The definitions in defs/thesisdefs.tex are adapted from withesis.cls, which is licensed under the Perl Artistic License and is also available from CTAN.
Good luck!
Will Benton Madison, WI 2008
ps: see
Addendum: I've added changed the title page so that the membership of the committee can be seen on the title page. The specific files changed are:
thesisdefs.tex : added definitions for committee members as well as date of defense; also changed the maketitle command so that those definitions will appear on the title page
dissertation.tex: added place to define committee members and date of defense; used the geometry package to temporarily change the margins of the title page so that everything will fit.
preamble.tex: added \usepackage {geometry}; it needs to be at least release 5.0 - 5.6 for it to work
Steven Baumgart Madison, WI 2012