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List of commits on branch main.

Sketch for unique word use

dddrcoder committed 4 years ago


dddrcoder committed 4 years ago


dddrcoder committed 4 years ago


dddrcoder committed 4 years ago

More cleanup, disabled randomization

dddrcoder committed 4 years ago

Cleanup in prep for structure mutability

dddrcoder committed 4 years ago


The README file for this repository.


This is a crossword puzzle generator/solver with a text UI, implemented in Rust.


Crossword models the set of possible solutions for a crossword puzzle of a given size. It consists of a Dictionary, a collection of Lines, woven together with Cells.


Every Cell represents the set of letters which could be written in a given place in the crossword. Rebuses can be modeled a sequence of cells association with a single position on the rectangular board. Every Cell is associated with two Lines, one across, one down. More generally, any "weaving" of lines is possible including >2D puzzles.

A Line represents the set of words that could fill in a horizontal or vertical list of Cells. Initially, all Lines contain the full set of words of the given length. Each Line maintains a histogram of letters at each position from the set of remaining words. E.g.: If a Line had a remaining set of words {"cat", "car"}, it would have 3 histograms of letters for the three positions, [{'c': 2}, {'a': 2}, {'r': 1, 't': 1}].

Each Cell maintains the joint probability distribution of letters which could satisfy its position in both of its linked Lines. This is computed as the dot product of the two associated histograms.


Solving could proceed at this point, but the set of possible words could be farther reduced by applying the fact that the distribution for each Cell may already have fewer letters than the distribution at each Line's position. E.g.: An across Line may have many words with 'e' in the 3rd position, but all of those words should be eliminated if it crossed a down Line with no 'e's in the crossing position. This may lead to cascading effects, so such eliminations would be necessary to perform iteratively until no such conflicts remain.


Puzzles are solved by constraint satisfaction, greedily by depth-first search. At each depth, a cell with the fewest remaining choices is selected arbitrarily, ignoring cells with 1 choise remaining. A letter is then selecting by sampling from the distribution of letters for this cell. In choosing this letter, the corresponding lines are then updated to eliminate any words which contain a different letter at that position. The Line's histograms are then updated, as are the associated cells. If, at this point, an affected Cell's letter distribution becomes empty, this represents a failure, and the search must backtrack. Otherwise, the search may continue recursively. Additionally, if the selection of a letter reduces a Line's set of words to a single word, this word is added to the set of committed words for the puzzle. If would introduce a duplicate word, this represents another failure case and should be backtracked.


Much of the time spent in the solver is spent reducing the remaining sets of words each line. These set operations are accelerated by use of an Inverted Index. Given the source dictionary, indices are constructed for the following sets:

  • Words of length N.
  • Words of length N with character C at position I.
  • Words remaining for each Line.

To construct this, the dictionary is sorted (alphabetically, though this is arbitrary) into a list. Each word will be identified by its position in this list. The sets above are represented as sorted lists of these integer identifiers. The sets are constructed by simply iterating through the sorted word list once, appending the identifier of each word into the list corresponding to each of the above sets to which it belongs.

The Line indices are initially constructed from the set of words of the target length. As letters are chosen, this set is intersected with the set of words of that length matching that letter at that position. To reduce (but not eliminate) the number of failures reached by choosing duplicate words, the set of words chosen so far are also excluded in the same update operation.

Puzzle Layout

[Planned Work] The intial construction of Lines and Cells is subject to the dimensions of the puzzle and the presence of blank squares. First, Cells are constructed for all non-blank squares. Then, Lines are constructed for each valid start position, across and down. As part of the construction of each Line, it is linked with the Cell corresponding to each of its positions. To simplify borrow checking and lifetime management, all Lines and Cells are identified by index.

In the current implementation, blank squares are not implemented. Instead, all puzzles are full rectangular grids.