- Set up a database connection using Mongoose
- Create your Mongoose schema and models.
- Seed your database with data. Use Mongoose seeder
- Create the user routes, GET, POST
- Create the course routes, GET, POST, PUT
- Update any POST and PUT routes to return Mongoose validation errors.
- Update the User model to store the user's password as a hashed value.
- Create an authentication method on the user model to return the user document based on their credentials
- Set up permissions to require users to be signed in
- Validation added to prevent a user from reviewing their own course
- Tests have been written for GET /api/users with and without credentials
- Use Mongoose deep population to return only the fullName of the related user on the course model and each review returned with the course model
- notified if any of the required fields in any given form have any missing data
- Include pagination for the loans and books listing pages
- Include search fields on at least one of the books or patrons listing pages
20 October 2017
npm install
npm start
use Postman to test routes
the app is served on port 3000
For testing create db testDB
npm test
POST user - creates a new user
check to see if that user exists by checking email in form against database
use schema's `create` method to insert document into Mongo
if user doesnt add a full name or email we cant create a user
router.post('/', function(req, res, next) {
.exec(function(err, user){
err = new Error();
err.message = 'That email already exists';
err.status = 400;
return next(err);
User.create(req.body, function (err, user) {
if(!user.emailAddress || !user.fullName || !user.password){
err.status = 400;
return next(err);
if (err){
return next(err);
} else{