- A Google Maps map loaded with the Google Maps API
- The Google Maps map will focus immediately on the position of the user.
- A list of restaurants is provided as JSON data in a separate file
- A list of restaurants on the right side of the page that are within the area displayed on the map
- When you click on a restaurant, the list of reviews should be shown
- Also show the Google Street View photo via the corresponding API!
- A filter tool allows the display of restaurants that have between X and Y stars
- Add a restaurant by clicking on a specific place on the map
- Use the Google search API to find restaurants in a particular display area.
25 September 2017
Builds the small info Window
function buildIWContentSmall(place) {
document.getElementById('iw-icon-small').innerHTML = '<img class="photo" ' + 'src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/debs-obrien/restaurant-reviews-OpenClassRooms-project-7/master/' + createPhoto(place) + '"/>';
document.getElementById('iw-url-small').innerHTML = '<b>' + place.name + '</b>';
if (place.rating) {
let ratingHtml = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (place.rating < (i + 0.5)) {
ratingHtml += '✩';
} else {
ratingHtml += '✭';
document.getElementById('iw-rating-small').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('iw-rating-small').innerHTML = ratingHtml;
} else {
document.getElementById('iw-rating-small').style.display = 'none';