simple-pastebin-client is a functional Python package that provides programatic read access to Pastebin. This Python package will leverage both the Pastebin API and HTML produced by the service. While its not a complete implementation of the Pastebin API it does offer the following benefits:
- Search for pastes by keyword using Selenium's Chrome Headless driver
- Get a page of pastes or all pastes for a particular user
- Return content in a JSON format
For the time being usage goes something like this:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements .
from simple_pastebin_client import PasteBinApiClient
api_dev_key = "CREATE"
api_user_key = "CREATE"
# using the published API for some stuff
x = PasteApiBinClient(api_dev_key, api_user_key=api_user_key)
print (x.trends())
print (x.user_pastes(username))
# using HTML scraping for other stuff
# get first page of search results for key term
c = PasteBinApiClient.paste_search('Hancitor')
print (c)
[{'paste': '',
'byline': 'Some love from man1/hancitor group Today send-safe: from: http ...',
'pastekey': 'Jye4AMsH'},...
# get the paste page for paste key
paste_keys = [i['paste_key'] for i in c]
paste_key = paste_keys[-1]
p = PasteBinApiClient.paste(paste_key)
print (p)
{'timestamp': '2017-08-21T15:56:06Z',
'user': '...',
'data': b'...',
'unix': 1503348966,
'paste': '',
'title': '8/21/17 Hancitor'}
# find some like minded users using the search results
interesting_users = set()
for i in c:
paste_key = i['paste_key']
p = PasteBinApiClient.paste(paste_key)
print ([i for i in interesting_users if len(i) > 0])
user = [i for i in interesting_users if len(i) > 0][-1]
# Get first page of user pastes
u = PasteBinApiClient.user_pastes(user)
print (len(u), '\n', u)
[{'expiration': 'Never',
'paste_key': '...',
'title': 'Untitled',
'unix': 1515931200,
'syntax': 'None',
'paste': '',
'hits': '53'},
{'expiration': 'Never',
'paste_key': '...',
'title': 'Untitled',
'unix': 1515758400,
'syntax': 'None',
'paste': '',
'hits': '...'}, ...
#Get all the pages of pastes *and* data from the user's profile
u = PasteBinApiClient.user_pastes_data(user, do_all=do_all)
print (len(u), '\n', u)
{'data': b'...',
'syntax': 'None',
'expiration': 'Never',
'hits': '...',
'paste': '',
'user': '...',
'unix': 1504645473,
'paste_key': '...',
'title': '...',
'timestamp': '2017-09-05T16:04:33Z'}
# get the last page pastes and raw data in the users profile
last_page = PasteBinApiClient.user_pastes_pages(user)
u = PasteBinApiClient.user_pastes_data(user, page=last_page)
I have only tested this software on Linux, and it will not work in enterprise environments that require HTTP proxies until I add support for proxies.
Search is performed using Selenium and headless Chrome, so the request is slow. Search is also limited because Pastebin proxies queries to Google Custom Search service, which is why a brower is needed to render the pages.
If you plan to use the search function, you'll need to install the Chrome drivers for the Selenium package. I have included a script to help with this in the configs directory of the project.
Tests were done by hand, because this was a small weekend project. If this project matures, I'll add more formal testing.
from simple_pastebin_client.api import PasteBinApiClient
from threading import Thread
import time
interesting_users = set()
query_terms = [
'interesting search terms',
'more interesting search terms',
def search_term(qt, result_set):
c = PasteBinApiClient.paste_search(qt)
for i in c:
pastekey = i['paste_key']
p = PasteBinApiClient.paste(pastekey)
if len(p['user']) > 0 and p['user'] not in result_set:
print("Found a user: %s" % p['user'])
def find_interesting_users(query_terms):
threads = []
interesting_users = set()
for qt in query_terms:
thread = Thread(target=search_term, args=(qt, interesting_users))
print ("Started enumeration of users for query term: '{}'".format(qt))
while len(threads) > 10:
print ("Waiting on threads to complete before starting more")
threads = [i for i in threads if i.is_alive()]
for t in threads:
return interesting_users
print ("Interesting Pastebin Users")
for user in sorted(interesting_users):
print (""+user)