Title: Play-Rails
Team Members: Dhrushil Badani, Dhruvil Badani
Demo Link: https://gentle-anchorage-9664.herokuapp.com/
A la real-life Steam. Users can 'create games' at a specific location and other users can join those games. Also, one can search for games near a location and join/comment!
##Models and Description:
has name, email, and many comments and games
has name, location, latitude, longitude and no. of players that have joined. Belongs to user
has content, user id and belongs to a Comment
Users can log in
Users can create 'games' at locations (suggested by Google Maps)
Users can join (~ abstracted using voting, using the acts_as_votable gem) and comment on games
Users can search for nearby games by typing in a location (powered by the Geocoder gem)
##Division of Labor:
Dhrushil: Created game, added geocoding and autocomplete functionality
Dhruvil: Created user and question