- Pulse-gif Create text pulsating in a specified frequency.
Inspired in a [[http://xkcd.com/1331/][XKCD comic]].
Usage: #+BEGIN_SRC bash pulse-gif.py [-h] [--frequency F] [--output FILENAME] Text [Text ...] #+END_SRC
- Text :: The text you want printed in the gif image. No need for quotes.
- -h, --help :: show this help message and exit
- --frequency F, -f F :: Frequency (per second) of the pulse. Default: 0.25.
- --output FILENAME, -o FILENAME :: Filename of the resulting gif. If the .gif sufix is not present it is added automaticaly. Default: pulse.gif)
- [[http://imagemagick.org/][ImageMagick]]
- Python Image Library (I'm using [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.0.0][Pillow]])