Half day tutorial to introduce Python and Satpy to non-programmers.
Try these notebooks on pangeo.binder.io_ : |Binder|
See http://pangeo.io for more information.
This tutorial is meant to be run from a "Binder" environment. This means it is run on a remote machine and does not require you to run anything locally. You only need to click on the "Binder" button at the top of this file.
If you'd like to run this locally, you should create the conda environment
described in binder/environment.yml
and start JupyterLab by executing
jupyter lab
from the command line.
- Introduction to Python
- Introduction to Satpy
.. _pangeo.binder.io: http://binder.pangeo.io/
.. |Binder| image:: http://binder.pangeo.io/badge.svg :target: http://binder.pangeo.io/v2/gh/djhoese/tutorial-intro-python-satpy/master