A library which allows you to have constructor overloading in PHP >=5.3 projects. This is simply done using: type hint, default value and PHP doc.
In order to use the library it's best recommended to follow some rules. The library is looking for any private / protected methods width start with _construct in your class. Among these methods the best candidate is picked up. In order to help the library to find the best candidate you shall follow these rules:
- If your argument is an object, use type hint (example: function(A $a)).
- Otherwise, the argument is a primitive and in this case if it has a default value, then you can use it to hint its type (example: function ($int = 0)).
- Otherwise you can use PHP doc (example: @param int $int)
** In case of a primitive has default value and PHP doc the default value will be preferred over the PHP doc.
First, in order to use the library, one must register the autoloader:
use ConstructorOverloading\ConstructorOverloading;
$pathToConstructorOverloading = __DIR__ . '/ConstructorOverloading';
require_once $pathToConstructorOverloading . '/ConstructorOverloading.php';
$constructorOverloading = new ConstructorOverloading();
Then, let's say you have a class called Rectangle which can be constructed by either width and height or by size (square):
use ConstructorOverloading\Dispatcher;
class Rectangle
private $width, $height;
public function __construct()
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$dispatcher->dispatch($this, func_get_args());
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
protected function _constructWidthAndHeight($width, $height)
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
* @param int $size
protected function _constructSize($size)
$this->width = $this->height = $size;
Now, if you use:
$rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 20);
The _constructWidthAndHeight will be invoked and result in width = 10, height = 20
And, if you use:
$rectangle = new Rectangle(30);
The _constructSize will be invoked and result in width = height = 30