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List of commits on branch main.

Reformat and improve the backend documentation

eealmloff committed a month ago

Added comments on Text Editor

TTrisha405 committed a month ago

Merge pull request #41 from ealmloff/training-new-notes

SSuhaanSyed committed a month ago

Refactor documentation comments for clarity and consistency

SSuhaanSyed committed a month ago

Enhance documentation and comments across components and styles

SSuhaanSyed committed a month ago


TTrisha405 committed a month ago


The README file for this repository.

Tauri + React + Typescript

This template should help get you started developing with Tauri, React and Typescript in Vite.

Recommended IDE Setup

Setup / Install

npm install

Running the app

You can start the app locally with:

npx tauri dev

Project Structure

.DS_Store .gitignore .vscode/ extensions.json index.html Makefile package.json public/ src/ .DS_Store App.css App.tsx assets/ main.tsx Search.tsx Tag.tsx TagsPanel.tsx TextEditor.tsx vite-env.d.ts src-tauri/ .DS_Store .gitignore capabilities/ default.json Cargo.lock Cargo.toml gen/ schemas/ icons/ icon.icns src/ classifier-notes/ ... target/ output of the temporary build tauri.conf.json testing-workspace/ tsconfig.json tsconfig.node.json vite.config.ts

Key Components src/App.tsx The App component is a functional component in a TypeScript React application that renders a TextEditor component within a div with the class name "app-container".

src/TextEditor.tsx The TextEditor component provides a rich text editor interface using Slate.js. It includes functionalities for creating, editing, saving, and deleting notes, as well as managing tags and searching within notes.

src-tauri/src/ This file initializes the Tauri application with various plugins and handlers for workspace and note management. It includes the run function to start the Tauri application and the bert function to initialize the BERT model which is later used to create embeddings for semantic search and classification.

src-tauri/src/ This file manages contextual documents within a Tauri-based workspace. It includes functionality for saving, retrieving, updating, tagging, and deleting documents. The code also incorporates classification logic for tagging documents using embeddings generated by BERT.

src-tauri/src/ This file includes the classifier logic for tagging documents using embeddings generated by BERT. Classification is done with a small neural network trined to predict tags for each sentence of existing notes.

src-tauri/src/ This file provides a framework for searching notes, including functionality to search for notes based on text and tags, as well as to search for context around a cursor position in a note.

Commands save_note Saves a note with a title and contents in a workspace.

read_note Reads a note from a specific path.

remove_note Removes a note from a specific path.

set_tags Sets the tags for a note with the given title in the workspace.

get_tags Gets the tags for a note with the given title in the workspace.

context_search Searches for context around a cursor position in a note.

Testing src-tauri/src/ This file includes tests for the note module, such as test_set_tags.

Configuration src-tauri/tauri.conf.json This file contains the Tauri configuration for the application.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.