// Retrieve an artist by ID:
val a = AppleMusic.getArtist("178834") // returns an Artist instance
println(a.name) // prints "Bruce Springsteen"
println(a.genreNames.joinToString()) // prints "Rock"
val b = a.albums // list of references to albums
val c = b.first().fetch() // loads and returns an Album
// Retrieve an album by ID:
val a = AppleMusic.getAlbum("310730204") // returns an Album instance
print(a.name) // prints "Born to Run"
print(a.artistName) // prints "Bruce Springsteen"
Musikt utilizes Kotlin coroutines to retrieve data from the API asynchronously without using callbacks/futures/rx. All the functions requesting external resources are suspending.
In order to use the Apple Music API, you need to generate a private key on the Apple Developer website. Read more...
Before your application starts making requests to the API, set up your Team ID and private key:
Credentials.teamID = "team"
Credentials.privateKey = "key"