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List of commits on branch master.

Markdown Update

eelamje committed 5 years ago


eelamje committed 5 years ago

clean up controllers

eelamje committed 5 years ago

Strip out unused using statements

eelamje committed 5 years ago


eelamje committed 5 years ago

Add seed data

eelamje committed 5 years ago


The README file for this repository.


  • Repository

    • git clone
  • appsettings.json

    • I'm using a docker container to host SQL Server on my Mac, so please change your connection string to what you normally use!
    • I'm using gmail for smtp relay: If you want to use that, you need to login to your google account -> security -> enable less secure apps, If you have two factor auth enabled, there is another step I believe.
    • There are a few migrations to run (dotnet ef database update Enduro2EventSeedData should get you up to date)

Application Decisions

  • Using Data Annotation Validation Attributes local to the Model.
    • For a larger project, validation might be done better in a separate service, with custom logic rather than local to the model.
  • Admin section to create events is out of scope.
  • API not necessary.
  • Using Strings for Car Information.
    • Not sure how rigid F1 Cars are, i.e. using a predefined list of options for Make, Model, Engine, etc. or allowing User to enter info.
  • Didn't add entity metadata like createdOn, updatedOn timestamps since there wasn't much to sort.
  • Did not use the Repository pattern for size of project.
  • The application is not internationalized, although F1 is quite international.
  • Using Identity Package adds a lot of unused columns, these can be stripped out in this case.
  • Relaxed Password Requirements for this app for development/running locally.
  • Workaround in CarController for Editing and maintaining a FK during the context.
    • Code Scaffolding caused a headache here after I committed to the model. Caused issue for my User foreign key.
  • I didn't check many queries to make sure they returned a value.
  • I combined registration and event logic into the Event Controller, but for larger project would break these apart.
  • Used ViewModels in the Controller rather than a separate directory.
  • Log emails sent in DB.
  • Use a worker queue to handle emails/long running processes.
  • Try to understand how to access Users more efficiently in .NET Core 3
    • I tried to leverage Identity a little too hard, and I believe I could have made some middleware to keep track of users a little cleaner.
  • Add fields to viewmodels for filtering views.
  • Since there is no "checkout" process, only a simple email message about discount qualification - I did not inform the user that they no longer qualify for a discount if they deregister from an event that previously qualified them.
  • Not sure if Car Numbers must be unique, so I left the validation out.


  • The .NET Core APIs change a lot.
  • Code scaffolding works sometimes, but is more of a headache other times.
  • There are many ways to do Models & ViewModels which I can see will cause maintainability issues if all of your models & viewmodels are a slightly different pattern.
  • I could really use Visual Studio and SSMS!

Next Time:

  • Use one style of model/viewmodel pattern for simplicity.
    • Code Generator made a couple of Razor Page style templates which were weird to switch between.

Data Model (->> Relationship)

  • User
    • First, Last, Email, Pass
    • Car->>
    • Registration->>
  • Event
    • Type[Short = 2, Enduro = 1], Cost, Discounted Cost, Date, Nullable WeekendCountSinceEpoch, Name, Description
    • Registration->>
    • meta: Event Dates might not be on weekends, so need to leave Weekend of Year nullable
  • Car
    • Car Num, Make, Model, Nullable Engine type, Nullable Engine builder name
    • User->>
    • Registrations->>
  • Registration
    • DiscountQualified
    • User->>
    • Car->>
    • Event->>

Navigation/Control Buttons

  • Logout
  • Account
    • Register & Deregister here
  • Events
  • Cars