Web frontend for Évaluations foncières de Montréal.
Follow instructions at https://github.com/elecnix/evalmtl
$ psql -d evalmtl
evalmtl=# CREATE TABLE streets AS SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY street_name, arrondissement, municipalite) AS id, street_name, arrondissement AS borough, municipalite AS city FROM evaluations_2014 GROUP BY street_name, arrondissement, municipalite;
evalmtl=# ALTER TABLE streets ADD PRIMARY KEY (id);
evalmtl=# CREATE INDEX ON streets (street_name);
evalmtl=# ALTER TABLE evaluations_2014 ADD street_id integer;
evalmtl=# UPDATE evaluations_2014 SET street_id = (SELECT id FROM streets WHERE streets.street_name = evaluations_2014.street_name AND (streets.borough = evaluations_2014.arrondissement OR (streets.borough IS NULL AND evaluations_2014.arrondissement IS NULL)) AND streets.city = evaluations_2014.municipalite);
evalmtl=# CREATE INDEX ON evaluations_2014 (street_id);
npm install
DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@localhost/evalmtl node app
Or push to Heroku:
heroku create
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
git push heroku master
heroku open