1D Pong for the Micropython Pyboard and a 144-LED WS2812 strip.
Push the button when the "ball" is in your goal area. Don't let it go past the end of the strip, or you lose a point! When all of your 10 points are gone, game over.
When you push the button close to the ent of the strip, it will go faster, making it harder for your opponent to react.
See the youtube video
_ for a demo.
.. _youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwyFTVJoppA
Requires the micropython-ws2812
_ library.
Copy ws2812.py
from there and main.py
from here to your pyboard.
If you have more or fewer than 144 LEDs in your strip, adjust SIZE
at the top of main.py
.. _micropython-ws2812: https://github.com/JanBednarik/micropython-ws2812
Connect the LED strip to VIN (+), GND (-), and X8 (Data). Connect a pushbutton between VIN and X4.
Use the Pyboard's onboard switch to control one player's side; the other player should use the pushbutton.