

1 stars
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List of commits on branch master.

add location to business logic.

eerip committed 6 years ago

add coverage badge.

eerip committed 6 years ago

add codecov.

eerip committed 6 years ago

fix script to run.

eerip committed 6 years ago

fix gitignore to use project/.

eerip committed 6 years ago

add build badge

eerip committed 6 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Ticket Service Build Status


Implement a simple ticket service that facilitates the discovery, temporary hold, and final reservation of seats within a high-demand performance venue.


High level

I intend to implement this as a reactive system due to the high-demand nature of the venue. By designing it in a reactive way, we can ensure resliency, elasticity, message-driven (i.e., non-blocking) communications, and most importantly responsiveness.

To do this, I will realize the service as a RESTful Lagom microservice backed by Kafka as the message broker and Cassandra as the event store.

The heart of the business logic lies in the persistent entity; in this project, that will be the TicketEntity.scala file.

Mid level

I will expose RESTful API endpoints for the required interface's public methods; other endpoints will be added on an ad hoc basis as determined necessary.

These endpoints will be documented in a Swagger specification against which consumers may design their services and consume the ticket service's API.

Due to a bug in Swagger, some requests will fail due to CORS requests. For this reason, I recommend copy and pasting the curl commands that Swagger presents or download a client in your favorite language.

Low level

Because a part of the design includes a subjective determination of "best N seats", my initial design will simply optimize for the customer (and his guests) to be able to see the movie: if seats are available, they will be taken greedily with no preference for proximity to the customer. This optimizes for seeing the film over the experience of viewing with friends and is a simple "approximation".

My better implementation is still greedy, but prefers seats that are adjacent or directly behind others in your party. It does this through a clever seat numbering and ordering scheme in which every other row's seat numbers are presented in a reverse order; e.g.,

1  2  3  4
8  7  6  5
9 10 11 12

This allows the seats to be ordered as a 1D array and simply popped from the front in-order. This design is still suboptimal in the following case: requesting two seats from

x  x  x  4
8  7  6  5
9 10 11 12

would yield seats 4 and 5, which aren't neighboring; i.e., it's difficult to penalize a cross-row recommendation.

Some graph algorithms could be explored to improve this solution; in particular, this specific problem seems particularly similar to a Hamiltonian path problem. Experience shows that when going to a theater, we would prefer to sit side-by-side (i.e., row-wise) with friends rather than front-to-back (i.e., column-wise); this is an extra constraint in the path problem.

An important note is that finding a Hamiltonian path is NP-complete; because the number of seats in a theater is typically fairly small, this may or may not be solved through brute force and distributed compute. If it is not possible, an approximation will need to be used.


  • Because everyone likes to whisper to their pals at the movies, "best" tickets are those which are neighboring (or directly behind) others in your party.

  • A customer may have a single hold (don't be greedy!), but may have any number of reservations.


To run this project, docker will need to be installed.

Alternatively, sbt can be used locally.

Building the docker image

To build the docker image, execute bin/

To build it manually, issue

docker build -t 'erip-homework' .

To confirm it successfully build, check the output of docker images:

$ docker images | grep erip
erip-homework          latest               31f8de52e758        5 seconds ago       765MB

Running tests

If the docker image has been built, tests can be run by executing bin/ or by manually issuing

docker run -it 'erip-homework' test

If sbt is being used, execute bin/ or manually issue sbt test from the project root.

To enable coverage locally with sbt, issue sbt clean coverage test coverageReport coverageAggregate and open target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html.
