= Beginning Haskell
An interactive 2 hour class geared towards first time Haskell developers. No prior Haskell experience is presumed, but prior programming experience will help.
== Outline (DRAFT)
- Setup (5-10 mins)
I’ll focus on getting everyone set up with FP Haskell Center’s IDE for the class. This is primarily just a time saving measure (no download+install, homogenous environment across platforms), not an endorsement for their product.
I’ll also briefly talk about how to install Haskell Platform so students can play with GHCi locally. I’ll recommend that they check out exercism.io for supplementary exercises if they get ahead.
The rest of the class will alternate between brief explanations and exercises. I intend to prepare material for the following topics, with the expectation that we won’t get through it all. The slides and exercises will be freely available online for independent study.
- Haskell Syntax
- Using Hoogle
- Modules and main
- Abstract Data Types, Maybe and Either
- Lists
- Non-Strict Evaluation
- Typeclassopedia (Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Alternative, …)
- IO and other Monads
- Parsing with Parser Combinators
- Concurrent Haskell
- Parallel Haskell