Provides native bindings to launchctl commands
Due to the fact that the source code of launchd
for OS X 10.10 is no longer available,
development on this project has been stopped. If someone else is interested in maintaining it,
please don't hesitate to let me know.
- 0.8.26
- 0.10.x
- 0.11.13 (In preparation for 0.12.x and with the change in nan)
- Tested on OS X 10.7.5 - OS X 10.9.x
- Requires Xcode 4.5+
$ npm install launchctl
var ctl = require('launchctl')
$ npm test
- To run tests for multiple versions
WARNING: This will install n and will change your node version, so use with caution
$ npm run test-versions
- Make API more complete
- Please feel free to fork/contribute :]