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UWI Grade Checker

Node tool using Puppeteer to check grades for UWI students and display a notification.


  • Node 7.6.0 or greater
  • (Optional) Yarn
  • Operating System Requirements of node-notifier:
    • macOS: >= 10.8 or Growl if earlier.
    • Linux: notify-osd or libnotify-bin installed (Ubuntu should have this by default)
    • Windows: >= 8, task bar balloon for Windows < 8. Growl as fallback. Growl takes precedence over Windows balloons.
    • General Fallback: Growl


Include a config.json file in the project directory like the following:

"id": "<UWI Student ID number>",
"password": "<the password for your UWI account>"

Install dependencies: yarn OR npm install

Running Appliction

> node main.js 

Note: This script relies on the structure of the UWI website so if the structure changes this script will fail.

Suggestion: Use Cron on Linux to get a notification of the grades when you start your computer