This style is based on the minimal_mod style bundled with adium
The changes are only visible using the Lion variant
Some of the fixes should probably be aplied the whole message style and are marked with *
You don't need Lion in order to use this message style
Enter the following command on the terminal and restart Adium:
git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/Adium\ 2.0/Message\ Styles/minimal_mod_lion.AdiumMessageStyle
Press the download button on this page, download the source, unpack, rename and double click.
- message separators: solid line
- focus indicator: gray background (like Finder/iTunes list)
- username: Black vs Black
- background: white
- rounded user icons * (arguable)
- user icon: make it the size of a single line message*
- change necessary px to em in order to scale everything properly *
- mention indicators: blue dot
- links: light blue
- context: user icons gray *
- context:hover: bring message color *
- reduced the space between consecutive messages *
* should probably be applied the whole message style