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List of commits on branch main.

disable mobile friendly and inspect url image diff

hhg-f19n committed a year ago

Update theme.css

hhg-f19n committed a year ago

minor fixes

hhg-f19n committed a year ago

Merge pull request #25 from hg-f19n/10-test-result-validation

hhg-f19n committed a year ago

filename fix

hhg-f19n committed a year ago

image comparison fix

hhg-f19n committed a year ago


The README file for this repository.

Automated SEO Tests Automation Tool: Your Swiss Knife for Technical Onpage/Onsite SEO!

Get ahead of your competition by ensuring your website's performance and rendering are top-notch. This tool automates four pivotal SEO tests, helping you achieve 80% of the technical onpage/onsite SEO effectively.

Why These Four SEO Tests are Crucial 🎯

1. Page Speed Insights

Aim for a minimum score of 80 (still orange), preferably 90 (green). The tool provides insightful screenshots for both desktop and mobile views to guide your optimization strategies.

2. Google Mobile Friendly Test

Your website must pass this test with a green score. The tool also captures a meaningful screenshot to provide a holistic view of mobile compatibility.

3. "JavaScript Turned Off" Test

Your website should:

  • Display above-the-fold and main content even with JavaScript turned off.
  • Ensure that visible links are operational without JavaScript.

4. Google Search Console URL Inspection

The tool performs a "Test Live URL" and captures a screenshot of the rendered page. Note that images below the fold may get lazy-loaded.

For an in-depth understanding of these tests and why they are essential, check out Franz Enzenhofer's SEO Approach.

Prerequisites 🛠

  • Node.js (v16 or higher) and npm: If you're new to Node.js or running a version below 16, download and install the latest version from

Getting Started 🚀


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Directory

    cd automated-seo-tests
  3. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  4. Global Access

    npm link

    This creates a symlink for global command seo-tests.

Usage 🕹

For the Single URL Aficionados

seo-tests --url


seo-tests -u

For the Batch Processing Enthusiasts

seo-tests --batch urls.txt


seo-tests -b urls.txt

📝 Batch File Format:

PageType1: URL1
PageType2: URL2

Emailing the Reports 📧

Want to send the report directly to an email address? Use the -m or --mail option followed by the recipient's email address:

seo-tests --url --mail


seo-tests -u -m

You can also specify multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma:

seo-tests -u -m,

Using the Emailing feature requires you to setup a mail service. Please refer to the Advanced Section - Opting-In for Mailing Functionality below.

Pro Tips 🌟

  • First-Time Users: You will be prompted to manually log into your Google account during the first run. After successfully logging in, make sure to return to the terminal and press the ENTER key to continue. Don't worry; your credentials will be saved for future use.

Output 📊

  • Markdown Outputs: All markdown reports are generated and stored in the ./_seo-tests-output/markdown directory.
  • Screenshots: Relevant screenshots from various tests can be found in the ./_seo-tests-output/screenshots directory.
  • HTML and PDF Outputs: Once the markdown files are converted, you can find the HTML and PDF reports in the ./_seo-tests-output/results directory.

What to Expect on a Successful Run 🎉

After you've successfully run the tool, here's what you'll obtain:

1. Comprehensive Reports

  • Markdown files with detailed information on each test will be saved in the ./_seo-tests-output/markdown directory.

2. Visual Insights

  • Screenshots capturing pivotal information will be stored to assist your analysis. These will be stored under ./_seo-tests-output/screenshots.

3. Easy-to-Share Reports

  • The Markdown files are automatically converted to HTML and PDF formats for easy sharing and reporting. These will be stored in the ./_seo-tests-output/results directory.

4. Command Line Summary

  • You will see a summary of the test results, along with the paths to the generated reports, directly in your command line interface.

5. Optional Email Reporting

  • If configured, an email report containing the PDF results will be sent to a specified email address.

Manual Conversion of Markdown files 🔄

If you want to add content to a Markdown report, you can convert a specific Markdown file to HTML and PDF manually:

seo-tests --convert path/to/your/markdown/


seo-tests -c path/to/your/markdown/

Advanced Usage ⚙️

Beyond single runs, you might want to automate the SEO tests to run periodically. Depending on your operating system, different solutions apply:


  1. Setup a dedicated directory for the script execution
    First, decide on a directory where the script should run from. A suggestion might be:



  2. Prepare the Tool for Cron Execution
    If you've globally linked the SEO tests tool using npm link, you can simply call it using the seo-tests command. But before setting up the cron job, it's essential to ensure you've executed the command manually at least once. This step is crucial since the initial run requires user input (pressing "ENTER" after logging in to Google), which won't be possible via cron.

    seo-tests [your-preferred-arguments]

Ensure you've successfully logged in and that the cookies.js file is saved in the current directory.

Crontab (for Mac/Linux)

  1. Editing the Crontab
    Now, open your terminal and enter:

    crontab -e

This allows you to edit the cron jobs.

  1. Add Your Job with Logging
    Append a new line in the format:

    * * * * * cd ~/Documents/seo-tests-monitor && /path/to/node /usr/local/bin/seo-tests [arguments] >> ~/Documents/seo-tests-monitor/seo-tests.log 2>&1

The five asterisks represent when the job will run (minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week). Adjust these to your desired frequency. For example, to run every day at 12:00 PM noon:

0 12 * * * cd ~/Documents/seo-tests-monitor && /path/to/node /usr/local/bin/seo-tests [arguments] >> ~/Documents/seo-tests-monitor/seo-tests.log 2>&1

  1. Save and Exit
    Save and exit the editor.

📝 Note: Ensure that the paths are correct. The path /usr/local/bin/seo-tests assumes that's where the global npm packages are stored on your system. You might need to adjust based on your setup. You can find the path to node using the which node command and verify the path to seo-tests with which seo-tests.

📝 Note: Ensure that the paths to node and your script are correct. You can find the path to node using the which node command.

Task Scheduler (for Windows) - Not Tested 😬

  1. Press Win + S and type "Task Scheduler" to open the application from the Start Menu.

  2. In the Actions pane, click "Create Basic Task."

  3. Name your task (e.g., "SEO Tests Monitor") and provide a description if desired. Click "Next."

  4. Choose the trigger for your task (e.g., Daily, Weekly). Click "Next."

  5. Set the time and frequency for your task (for our example, choose Daily and set the time to 12:00 noon). Click "Next."

  6. Choose "Start a program" as the action. Click "Next."

  7. In the "Program/script" field, browse to the location of your node.exe (commonly located in the C:\Program Files\nodejs directory).

  8. In the "Add arguments (optional)" field, input:

    "C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\seo-tests-monitor\your-seo-tests-script.js" [arguments]

Replace YourUsername with your actual Windows username and `your-seo-tests-script.js`` with the actual name of your script if it's different.

  1. Click "Next", review your settings, and then click "Finish" to create the task.

📝 Note: Make sure to run the script manually from C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\seo-tests-monitor at least once to handle the login step which requires user input. This ensures the cookies.js file is saved and the script can run automatically without interruptions.

📝 Note: Ensure that the paths to node.exe and your script are correct. Typically, node.exe will be located in the directory where Node.js was installed.

Opting-In for Mailing Functionality 📧

To enhance your automated SEO tests experience, our tool provides the ability to email reports once they're generated. You can choose between two mailing services: Gmail OAuth and SendGrid. Depending on which service you're comfortable with or already have set up, you can configure either.

Choosing the Mailing Service

  1. Gmail OAuth:
    • This method requires the user to authenticate using Gmail's OAuth2 mechanism.
    • It involves obtaining certain credentials from the Google Developer Console.
  2. SendGrid:
    • SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that lets you send email without having to maintain email servers.
    • SendGrid offers a free tier that lets you send up to 100 emails per day, making it a cost-effective option for smaller applications.

To select a service, fill in the relevant details in a .env file:




If none of the required keys is present mailing will not execute and the script will notify you.

Setting up Gmail OAuth

  1. Go to the Google Developer Console.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Enable the Gmail API for your project.
  4. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  5. Fill in the necessary details and ensure the type is set to "Web Application".
  6. Note down your Client ID and Client Secret.
  7. Use these credentials to obtain a Refresh Token. This step typically involves making an OAuth request, granting permissions, and then extracting the token.
  8. Update your .env file with the credentials obtained.

Obtaining the Gmail Refresh Token:

  1. Setting up OAuth playground:

    • Go to the OAuth 2.0 Playground.
    • On the right side, click the gear icon to open the OAuth 2.0 configuration settings.
    • Check the option Use your own OAuth credentials and enter the Client ID and Client Secret that you got from the Google Developer Console.
    • Click the Close button.
  2. Authorize the APIs:

    • In the Step 1 - Select & authorize APIs section, look for Gmail API v1 and select the scope This scope allows sending email only. If you want broader access, you can select other Gmail-related scopes.
    • Click the Authorize APIs button.
    • You will be redirected to a Google login page. Log in with the Gmail account you want to use with your tool.
    • Grant the requested permissions.
  3. Exchange authorization code for tokens:

    • Once you've granted permissions, you will be redirected back to the OAuth 2.0 Playground.
    • In the Step 2 - Exchange authorization code for tokens section, click the Exchange authorization code for tokens button.
    • If everything goes right, you will now see your Refresh Token and Access Token. The Access Token will expire after some time, but the Refresh Token is what you use to get a new one without having to re-authorize your application.
  4. Update your .env file:

    • Take the Refresh Token and add it to your .env file alongside the Client ID and Client Secret:

Setting up SendGrid

  1. Create an account on SendGrid's website.
  2. Navigate to the API Keys section in the dashboard.
  3. Create a new API Key with "Full Access" permissions.
  4. Copy the API key and update your .env file.

Running with Emailing

For the tool to send emails after running the SEO tests, you'll need to use the --mail argument when invoking your script:

  • Cron (Mac/Linux):
0 12 * * * /path/to/node /path/to/your/seo-tests-script.js -u -m >> /path/to/your/logfile.log 2>&1
  • Task Scheduler (Windows):

    • When setting up the task, in the "Add arguments" field:
"/path/to/your/seo-tests-script.js" -u -m

This has been written with love by ChatGPT V4. 💖