#a simple social proof javascript that checks fb, pinterest, linkedin without any external dependencies (like jquery)
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/franzenzenhofer/social-proof-no-dependencies/master//social-proof-no-dependencies/main.js"></script>
socialProof(url, class_name)
#fetches sharecounts and writes it into (all) the elements with the class "counter"
socialProof('http://www.veganblatt.com/', 'counter')
if url is null it uses the URL of the og:url element if og:url is not available, then is uses the canoncial if the canonical is not avaialbe, it uses the window.top.location
socialProof(null, 'counter')
if class_name is null, the counter is written to the console (if availalbe)
var _DEBUG_ = true;
you will get some debug output on the console
this code has a serious limitation: you can only call it once per page? otherwise I would have needed to re-invent dynamic callbacks, and I didn't want to do that yet (TODO)