Xpra can be used to connect to X in the container where qBittorrent and Firefox will be running. You can also access qBT through it's web UI if you don't have access to a system running X, but even WSL2 works with Xpra.
The image is based on linuxserver/qbittorrent. Only Xpra, Firefox and the normal, non-nox, qBittorrent client are added to the base image.
docker build -t gangefors/qbt .
See linuxserver/qbittorrent for the base env. vars.
This image adds the following env. vars:
default: 3388This is the port Xpra server will listen on. This port needs to be published.
default: 10This is the display that Xpra will use. Must be >= 10.
default: unsetIf the tracker still haven't upgraded their certificates you can lower the TLS protocol and cipher for compatibility. Set it to any value to enable.
docker run -d --name qbt \
-e PUID=`id -u` \
-e PGID=`id -g` \
-e TZ=Europe/Stockholm \
-e UMASK=022 \
-e WEBUI_PORT=8080 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 6881:6881 \
-p 6881:6881/udp \
-e XPRA_PORT=3388 \
-e DISPLAY=10 \
-p 3388:3388 \
-v $HOME/.config/qbt:/config \
-v $HOME/Downloads:/downloads \
Install xpra
on any Linux system or WSL2. See the Xpra download
documentation for additional information.
Connect to the server with:
xpra attach tcp:// \
--desktop-scaling=off \
--speaker=disabled \