Ubuntu with multipass
and jq
sudo apt install jq
snap install multipass
Create at least 2 VMs with multipass using the following commands.
multipass launch --cpus 2 --mem 2G --disk 10G --cloud-init server-cloud-config.yaml --name server-node &
multipass launch --cpus 2 --mem 2G --disk 10G --cloud-init agent-cloud-config.yaml --name agent-node1 &
multipass launch --cpus 2 --mem 2G --disk 10G --cloud-init agent-cloud-config.yaml --name agent-node9 &
You may change the options to better fit your host system and use case. Remove the
if you don't want to run them in parallel.
The cloud-init yaml file will provision all VMs with Docker and k3s on
the server node
Since agent nodes need information from the server node we need to manually install k3s on them.
First we need to get the server node IP and a join token. This is the information we need to use when installing k3s.
The commands below will export this information into a local file.
echo "export server_ip=$(multipass info server-node --format json | jq -r '.info[].ipv4[0]')" > env echo "export server_token=$(multipass exec server-node -- sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token)" >> env
Copy this file to the agent nodes.
multipass transfer env agent-node1:env ... multipass transfer env agent-node9:env rm env
Now we need to open a shell to the node itself.
multipass shell agent-node1
Finally we can run the commands needed to actually install k3s on the node and have it join the cluster.
The first command puts the exported information into the shell's environment, then we use it in the installation command.
eval $(cat env) curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | K3S_URL=https://${server_ip}:6443 K3S_TOKEN=${server_token} sh -s - --docker rm env exit
Now repeat steps 3
and 4
for all agent nodes.
When you have installed k3s on all nodes we should check the status of the cluster.
multipass exec server-node -- sudo kubectl get nodes
server-node Ready control-plane,master 2m16s v1.20.5+k3s1
agent-node1 Ready <none> 97s v1.20.5+k3s1
agent-node2 Ready <none> 57s v1.20.5+k3s1
If all nodes have status Ready
all is well.
If anything goes wrong you can always just delete the VM and start from scratch. Do this with the following commands.
multipass delete <name>
multipass purge
Then just start over from the creation of the node.