== What ==
A Ruby implementation of the MongoDB interface.
Just swap out the line "Mongo::Connection.new" in your application with "EmbeddedMongo::Connection.new" and leave the rest of the code alone. No server process needed!
conn = EmbeddedMongo::Connection.new
coll = conn['test']['embedded']
coll.insert({ 'hello' => 'world' })
# => [{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('4e1b4027f626214e9e000001'), "hello"=>"world"}]
== Goal ==
embedded-mongo's goal is to provide the same interface as mongodb but be embedded inside the calling process. This allows unit tests to be run without the overhead of database roundtrips or the creation of ad-hoc mock layers. It also allows one to start using the mongodb interface for new projects without having to set up a real database. I don't think there's a use-case for it in production, though I could be wrong.
== Status ==
Most of the query semantics have been coded. Many of the database management operations have not. Nothing involving execution of JavaScript has been coded, because that sounds like work. Persistence hasn't been added, though that could be as easy as a Marshal or YAML dump when needed.
I think the next thing to add is indexes. Currently everything works via a linear scan of the database.