This is just a template for quickly starting a new Game of Life pass using Ruby.
Today we'll be working on Conway's game of life.
The game is a cellular automaton, where cells live or die according to a set of four rules:
Births: Each dead cell adjacent to exactly three live neighbors will become live in the next generation.
Death by isolation: Each live cell with one or fewer live neighbors will die in the next generation.
Death by overcrowding: Each live cell with four or more live neighbors will die in the next generation.
Survival: Each live cell with either two or three live neighbors will remain alive for the next generation.
- Make sure you have a recent-ish running Ruby
- fork this repo on github, then clone locally
- In a terminal, run
bundle install
- If that completes successfully, run
bundle exec rspec
.- If you see one passing test, congratulations! You're good to go!
- If you get an error message, congratulations! You're about to learn something!
- Tests go in
- Code goes in
- Run the tests with
bundle exec rspec
- ???
- Profit!