Haskell library for higher dimensional trees
Courtesy of MuniHac2016
Image credit: http://opetopic.net
This is not yet a library. Hopefully it will become one someday.
Right now it is more of a playground for testing techniques how to deal
with such objects in GHC. See e.g. the singleton
branch for interesting
type-level stuff (rather clumsy, I know). Also I have provoked GHC panics,
so if you want to examine them, check out the panic-*
Higher-dimensional trees are interesting objects of study in higher-categorical calculi. As far as I know @ericfinster came up with this formulation, and he is developing a prover for diagrammatic reasoning. He utilizes opetopes as the primitives (words) of his calculus.
Higher dimensional trees are almost opetopes. They must have exactly one cell in codimension 0 to qualify as such.
An n-dimensional tree can be decorated to obtain an (n+1)-dimensional tree.
Point at an non-empty set {b0 .. bn} of boxes. These can be thought of as a monoid: they determine the smallest subtree that encompasses all those boxes.
The closure property is the following: if neither is a predecessor of the other, then the monoid operation includes the highest common predecessor (dominator) an all the boxes in-between.
What we get is a semi-lattice, a commutative idempotent monoid. Unit is the empty pointed set.
When we have such a subtree, we can stick a card below it. For the
next round this becomes another box we can mappend
to. All
encompassed boxes of the card are removed from the pointable set
(i.e. become mempty
). They are still accessible for sprouting as
that process creates new boxes outside of the card.
The cards encompass an n-dimensional branching structure, thus giving rise to an (n+1)-dimensional tree (a branch of it). In fact the card cuts out a subtree of the n-dimensional original tree.
By collapsing the card to a box, the original tree gives rise to a new n-dimensional tree that is (possibly) smaller. This process can be considered an inverse substitution.
The term pointing is made precise by the data structure of the zipper. In this case it is a path from the root leading to the box we point at.