Some Publishers for use with Combine
Concatenate the outputs of a Stream
of Publisher
public struct ConcatenateMany<Publishers: Sequence>: Publisher
where S.Element: Publisher
public typealias Output = Publishers.Element.Output
public typealias Failure = Publishers.Element.Failure
public init(publishers: Publishers)
terminates normally (with Completion.finished
) only after all its inputs have terminated. The inputs proceed in order, with no interleaving.
terminates with error on the first error encountered.
Re-subscribes to a Publisher
whenever it ends normally (with Completion.finished
public struct Repeat<Upstream: Publisher>: Publisher
public typealias Output = Upstream.Output
public typealias Failure = Upstream.Failure
public init(publisher: Upstream)
only terminates with an error or after its Subscriber
Waits for a time interval before requesting the next element from its upstream Publisher
public struct IntervalPublisher<Upstream: Publisher, Context: Scheduler>: Publisher
public typealias Output = Upstream.Output
public typealias Failure = Upstream.Failure
public typealias Interval = Context.SchedulerTimeType.Stride
public init(publisher: Upstream, scheduler: Context, initialValue: Output? = nil,
interval: @escaping (_ previous: Output?, _ current: Output) -> Interval,
initialInterval: @escaping(_ initialValue: Output?) -> Interval = { _ in .seconds(0) })
public init(publisher: Upstream, scheduler: Context, initialValue: Output? = nil, interval: Interval)
extension IntervalPublisher where Context == DispatchQueue
public init(publisher: Upstream, qos: DispatchQoS = default, initialValue: Output? = nil,
interval: @escaping (_ previous: Output?, _ current: Output) -> Interval,
initialInterval: @escaping(_ initialValue: Output?) -> Interval = { _ in .seconds(0) })
public init(publisher: Pustream, qos: DispatchQoS = default, initialValue: Output? = nil, interval: Interval)
All requests to the upstream Subscription
and deliveries to the downstream Subscriber
occur on the same Scheduler