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List of commits on branch master.

npm audit

ggranmoe committed 6 years ago

Merge pull request #2 from bmealhouse/use-peer-dependencies

ggranmoe committed 6 years ago

Use peer dependencies

bbmealhouse committed 6 years ago

Added styled-components as a dependency

ggranmoe committed 6 years ago


ggranmoe committed 6 years ago

Added withDelay helper and updated README

ggranmoe committed 6 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Example Usage

import withAnimation from 'styled-animate'

const Foo = styled.div`
  /* some styles here */

const AnimatedFoo = withAnimation(Foo, {
  transition: '500ms linear',
  animate: {
    opacity: [0, 1]

// then in a render function...
<AnimatedFoo in={this.state.showFoo} />

Or, using one of the convenient helper functions:

import { fadeInOut } from 'styled-animate'

const Foo = styled.div`
  /* some styles here */

const AnimatedFoo = fadeInOut(Foo, '500ms linear')

// then in a render function...
<AnimatedFoo in={this.state.showFoo} />

Using the "animate" key will produce a react-transition-group component that animates opacity from 0 to 1 on mount and from 1 to 0 on unmount, both animations lasting 500ms (parsed from the "transition" key). You may also use seconds as the unit of measure for the transition timing, like transition: 2s ease-in.

Test Drive in!


Using the example above, firstValue and secondValue equal 0 and 1, respectively, and property equals "opacity"

  • animate - animate property from firstValue to secondValue on mount, and from secondValue to firstValue on unmount.
  • animateIn - animate property from firstValue to secondValue on mount
  • animateOut - animate property from secondValue to firstValue on unmount
  • animateSticky - animate property from firstValue to secondValue when in prop is truthy, and from secondValue to firstValue when in prop is falsy. Component stays mounted regardless of the value of the in prop.

For the first three in the list above, the component will mount immediately when the in prop is truthy.

Note that property can be any CSS property, and firstValue and secondValue can be any valid values for that property.

Helper Methods


const AnimatedFoo = helperMethod(Foo, '500ms linear') The timing can also be passed as seconds, and the timing function ("linear" in the example above) can be any valid CSS transition timing function.

Available Helper Methods

All of these are mounted and unmounted with the "in" prop (just like when using animate, animateIn, and animateOut).

  • fadeIn - fades in
  • fadeOut - fades out
  • fadeInOut - fades in and fades out


Sometimes, you need a component to coordinate the timing of when it appears/disappears in relation to the animation of another component. You can use withDelay to accomplish this.


import Hello from './Hello'
import withDelay from './with-delay'

const DelayedHello = withDelay(Hello, '2000ms', 'both')

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    show: false,

  render() {
    return (
        onClick={() => {
          this.setState({ show: ! })
        <DelayedHello in={} />

As with the helper methods and the withAnimate API, a seconds (2s) or milliseconds (400ms) timing value can be passed to withDelay. The third parameter must be either in, out, or both. These are self-explanatory.

Play with withDelay on codesandbox

Compatible components

You can use this on any component that forwards on the className prop. The styled components docs explanation applies here:

The styled method works perfectly on all of your own or any third-party components as well, as long as they pass the className prop to their rendered sub-components, which should pass it too, and so on. Ultimately, the className must be passed down the line to an actual DOM node for the styling to take any effect.

Upcoming features

  • Allow passing an array of properties to animate, and allow passing different values for "entering" and "exiting" phases of animation:
const Example = withAnimation(SomeComponent, {
  transition: 'opacity 1s ease-in-out',
  animate: [
      opacity: [0, 1, 0.5]
    }, {
      'font-size': ['12px', '16px', '14px']
  • Automatically apply the animation to all children of a component

  • Easily compose helper function animations together