FusionInventory agent NetDiscovery task
This tasks allows the agent to scans the network to find connected devices:
- devices discovery within an IP range, through nmap, NetBios or SNMP
- devices identification, through SNMP
NetDiscovery use the following tools, if available, to scan IP networks:
- nmap external command
- Net::NBName perl module
- Net::SNMP perl module This allow to discover connected devices, with a few additional information, such as mac address and hostname, but not to identify them.
If the device replies to SNMP, tough, an additional identification attempt is performed, by comparing its sysdescr field with a database of known values. If there is an exact match, an SNMP description model can be assigned, allowing to immediatly identify the device category (printer, network device, etc...), and to use NetInventory task later to fetch additional informations.
Wether identified or not, discovered devices are reported to GLPI as 'unknown device', and have to be imported in the inventory.
This task requires a FusionInventory agent (minimal version 2.2.0), and can only be executed with a GLPI server with FusionInventory plugin.
Additional optional perl modules:
- Net::SNMP
- Net::NBName
Additional optional programs:
- nmap
- David Durieux d.durieux@siprossii.com
- Gonéri Le Bouder goneri@rulezlan.org
- Guillaume Rousse guillomovitch@gmail.com
Copyright 2010-2012 FusionInventory Team
This software is licensed under the terms of GPLv2+, see LICENSE file for details.