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List of commits on branch master.

Merge pull request #1 from daspecster/fix-vbox-download

hhalvards committed 9 years ago

Update vbox download

ddaspecster committed 9 years ago

Extracted from ansible branch of vagrant-vm repo

hhalvards committed 10 years ago


The README file for this repository.

Map tile server on CentOS 6

Instructions for setting up a map tile server using Mapnik and mod_tile on CentOS 6.

This is assembled from various sources across the internet, the best being this guide for Ubuntu 12.04.

Big thanks to Ray Grasso for working out most of the steps.

Host development set up steps

  • Ensure you have at least Ansible 1.8 installed on your host: brew update && brew install ansible.
  • Ensure you have at least Vagrant 1.7 installed on your host
  • Optional: Install the vagrant-cachier plugin to save download time while developing: vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier.
  • Optional: Install the vagrant-vbox-snapshot plugin so you can vagrant snapshot take and vagrant snapshot back: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot.

This process only works for Mac or Linux hosts. If you want to use this on a Windows host, the Vagrantfile must be modified since Ansible cannot run from a Windows host. See for an example of how to do this.

Map tile server build steps

Set up the guest VM with Vagrant by running vagrant up on host.

That's it! It'll take a while (easily an hour, more if you have a slow internet connection), but you'll be left with a working map tile server that can serve tiles for Australia.

Update the scripts if you want to serve tiles for other countries or regions (see tasks/osm-australia.yml)

Access the webserver to see tiles

Check out tiles on your host:

Try the Leaflet map (using standard tiles): http://localhost:8192/osm/map.html

Check out mod_tile stats on your host at http://localhost:8192/mod_tile

Access the PostGIS database

Here are the connection details if you want to explore the raw data:

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 8193 (from the host OS, or 5432 from the guest OS)
  • Database: osm
  • Username: vagrant
  • Password: vagrant
