Embed snippet text or whole files from Github repos into a GitBook.
{% github_embed "[github url]", [options] %}{% endgithub_embed %}
Where [github url]
https://github.com/[owner]/[repo]/blob/[ref]/[path]#[line numbers]
Will produce something like this given the URL: https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/1cd16ac/index.js#L3-L8
website: {
assets: "./book",
css: [
// Load latest version of file "tag.js"
{% github_embed "https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/master/src/tag.js" %}{% endgithub_embed %}
// Load latest version of file "tag.js" and show line 3
{% github_embed "https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/master/src/tag.js#L3" %}{% endgithub_embed %}
// Load latest version of file "tag.js" and show lines 1-5
{% github_embed "https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/master/src/tag.js#L1-L5" %}{% endgithub_embed %}
// Load specific version of file "tag.js" and show lines 1-5
// Press "Y" key in github to switch from master/latest to last commit
{% github_embed "https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/9ef6e532/src/tag.js#L1-L5" %}{% endgithub_embed %}
// Load full file, but hide interior lines
{% github_embed "https://github.com/v5analytics/gitbook-plugin-github-embed/blob/9ef6e532/src/tag.js", hideLines=['15-87'] %}{% endgithub_embed %}
Show a link below the embedded source back to the source file. Defaults totrue
{% github_embed "[url]", showLink=false %}{% endgithub_embed %}
Re-indent the lines given the line numbers. Defaults totrue
{% github_embed "[url]", reindent=false, showLink=false %}{% endgithub_embed %}
Hide interior lines in a snippet. Should be in ascending order, can contain a range as a string.{% github_embed "[url]", hideLines=[2, '4', '7-10'] %}{% endgithub_embed %}
Use a gitbook style override to adjust the style of the link. The class is .github-embed-caption
Set an environment variable to avoid rate limits. Create Token
# or