Get an editable install, instantly!
PEP 660 is slow. instedit
is fast. If your build backend is setuptools, then by default your
editable installs will not work well with static type checkers and will have additional runtime
So instead instedit
plays fast and loose with the rules and only pays attention to standards when
it suits it. Your mileage may vary.
pipx install 'git+'
is happy to work from outside your project environment. It will respect the VIRTUAL_ENV
environment variable, or you can pass in a target python with the --python
Installs the project in the current directory editably!
λ instedit --help
usage: instedit [-h] [--python PYTHON] [path]
positional arguments:
path Path to the project to install editably
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--python PYTHON Python to install to (defaults to Python from VIRTUAL_ENV if set, otherwise sys.executable)