This package provides a command nrgrep
which is grep-like command for New Relic Logs.
New Relic can store plenty of logs and we can query it really fast on the very nice UI on the web site, but some of developers still prefer to use command line interface to query logs than modern UIs. This command helps such kind of people.
pip install newrelic-grep
Set environment variables to access New Relic API:
NR_ACCOUNT_ID Account ID of New Relic User
# nrgrep [--since DATETIME] [--until DATETIME] <KeyWord to search>
nrgrep --since 20230301140000 --until 20230301150000 'Failed to write'
Start time to be queried.
Format is YYYYmmddHHMMSS
You can omit right part if you want.
will be 20230301140000
Default is 3 days ago.
End time to be queried.
Format is as same as --since
-a Show attibute before log message. You can use this option multiple times.
nrgrep -a hostname -a logtype 'Failed to write'
Query to attributes. Format is Attribute Name:Value
You can use this option multiple times.
ngrep -q hostname:myhost -q service=api 'Failed to write'
-d Show queries to be sent.