mina is a simple blog system based on Google App Engine, developed for some of my friends who want to have their own blog, modified from my original site, stealing a lot from livid/picky. Feel free to use it or modify it as you wish.
Here is what it looks like, and thank the guy give me power to finish it.
- 下载Google App Engine, 并且注册账号
- 在Google App Engine后台申请创建一个应用,并且记下ID
- 下载mina,解压
- 在解开的文件夹中,修改app.yaml文件,将其中的app-id替换成你自己申请的ID
- 最后按照说明上传应用,部署完成
start.bat(for Windows), start.sh(for Linux)是一个简单的启动本地开发服务器的脚本,指定了数据存储在dev_appserver.datastore文件, 方便测试和开发
管理地址: /admin/, 写文章支持使用markdown,满足简单的排版格式需求