Sr.Engenheiro is a Discord Bot designed by a team of Computer Science students in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa with the goal to assist university server students to manage their schedule, group projects and much more.
Say !Hi: Add Sr.Engenheiro to your server
- Managing Events such as test dates, project deadlines
- Managing notes and notices
- Remembering important files and messages
- Collecting data from all server members (e.g. project groups)
- Easy to use with neat and smart responses
- Updating regurlarly with new features with every version
- Get a list of all commands
- Get the date today
- Get your schedule of saved events
- Get the urgent events in the next 7 days
- Get all the added event topics (e.g tests)
- Get a list of all saved note tags and their topics
- E.g
!remember ProjectAnouncementMessage
- Ask the bot to remember an important message.
- List all remembered messages
!add note [tag] "[content]"
(Default topic is General) !add note [topic] [tag] "[content]"
!add event [topic] [tag] [Day/Month/Year] or
!add event/note [topic] [tag] [(Day/Month/Year)/content] [tag] [(Day/Month/Year)/content]
- E.g
!add note MathStudyLinks Integrals ""
- E.g
!add note MathStudyLinks Integrals "" Calculas ""
!get note [tag]
(Default topic is General) !get note [topic] [tag(optional)]
!get event [topic] [tag(optional)]
- E.g
!get note MathStudyLinks
or!get note MathStudyLinks Calculus
!edit note [tag] "[content]"
(Default topic is General) !edit note [topic] [tag] "[content]"
!edit event [topic] [tag] [Day/Month/Year]
- E.g
!edit note MathStudyLinks Integrals ""
- E.g
!edit note MathStudyLinks Integrals "" Calculas ""
!forget note [topic] [tag(optional)]
!forget event [topic] [tag(optional)]
- E.g
!forget note MathStudyLinks
or!forget note MathStudyLinks Calculus