Mempig's only job is to eat up your system's memory so you can find answers to questions like these:
- How much memory can mempig ask for before it gets killed?
- Does the system slow to a crawl or lock up completely for large memory requests?
- If mempig is running in a container, how much memory can mempig eat before the container crashes?
On my MacBook Pro with 16G of memory, it works fine to ask for 8G:
$ mempig -G 8
Allocated 8GiB (8589934592 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
I tried asking for 100G and that was fine too; it just got the memory by swapping out to disk.
But to my surprise, things changed when I tried running mempig inside a docker container. Supposedly, docker containers have their memory limit set to "unlimited" by default, so it's natural to assume that running mempig would have the same result there as it would outside a container.
$ docker build -t mempig .
For 1 and 2G it was fine:
$ docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 1
Allocated 1GiB (1073741824 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
$ docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 2
Allocated 2GiB (2147483648 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
But for 4G it took a long time allocating the memory and then crashed with no message:
$ time docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 4
real 2m12.856s
user 0m0.042s
sys 0m0.019s
Does it get better with an explicit setting for --memory?
$ time docker run -it --rm --name mp --memory=8G mempig -G 4
real 2m15.208s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.021s
I'm running Docker Desktop, and it has a little icon at the top right of my screen. Clicking that and then clicking the Preferences menu item that appears, a window came up to configure it. I clicked the Advanced tab and a slider appeared for the memory. Sure enough it was set at 2GiB. I moved it to 8GiB, leaving the Swap slider at 1GiB, and clicked Apply & Restart. Did it help?
[ ~/src/ ] time docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 7
Allocated 7GiB (7516192768 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
Yes it did.
What happens for 8G? Mempig slows to a crawl after allocating 93.49% of the 8G it is supposed to allocate. I ran out of patience waiting for it. It also takes a long for the docker run command to respond to ctrl-C at this point.
[ ~/src/ ] time docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 8
^C^Ccated 8035699713 of 8589934592 bytes (93.55%)
real 5m52.719s
user 0m4.759s
sys 0m9.610s
On an Ubuntu instance on GCE with about 3G of memory, this happens:
issactrotts@memtest:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | head
MemTotal: 3792984 kB
MemFree: 3360260 kB
MemAvailable: 3466828 kB
Buffers: 47144 kB
Cached: 238012 kB
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 187120 kB
Inactive: 143568 kB
Active(anon): 45732 kB
Inactive(anon): 6320 kB
issactrotts@memtest:~$ mempig -G 3
Allocated 3GiB (3221225472 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
So allocating 3GiB is fine. However, asking for 4G makes mempig crash instead of swapping out on this system:
issactrotts@memtest:~$ mempig -G 4
fatal error: runtime: out of memory
runtime stack:
runtime.throw(0x4b53f9, 0x16)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/panic.go:566 +0x95
runtime.sysMap(0xc420100000, 0x100000000, 0x7f0a44b68e00, 0x5291b8)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mem_linux.go:219 +0x1d0
runtime.(*mheap).sysAlloc(0x5109a0, 0x100000000, 0x7f0a00000001)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/malloc.go:407 +0x37a
runtime.(*mheap).grow(0x5109a0, 0x80000, 0x0)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mheap.go:726 +0x62
runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked(0x5109a0, 0x80000, 0x2000)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mheap.go:630 +0x4f2
runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m(0x5109a0, 0x80000, 0x7f0100000000, 0x40c679)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mheap.go:515 +0xe0
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mheap.go:579 +0x4b
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:314 +0xab
runtime.(*mheap).alloc(0x5109a0, 0x80000, 0x10100000000, 0x7f0a44b08078)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/mheap.go:580 +0x73
runtime.largeAlloc(0x100000000, 0x529201, 0x7f0a44b08078)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/malloc.go:774 +0x93
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/malloc.go:669 +0x3e
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:298 +0x79
goroutine 1 [running]:
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:252 fp=0xc420037db0 sp=0xc420037da8
runtime.mallocgc(0x100000000, 0x497280, 0x456601, 0xc4200160c0)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/malloc.go:670 +0x903 fp=0xc420037e50 sp=0xc420037db0
runtime.makeslice(0x497280, 0x100000000, 0x100000000, 0x4b6e58, 0x1f, 0xc420012238)
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/slice.go:57 +0x7b fp=0xc420037ea8 sp=0xc420037e50
/home/issactrotts/src/ +0x9b fp=0xc420037f48 sp=0xc420037ea8
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/proc.go:183 +0x1f4 fp=0xc420037fa0 sp=0xc420037f48
/usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2086 +0x1 fp=0xc420037fa8 sp=0xc420037fa0
Now let's see what happens in a docker container on Ubuntu, using a GCE image that supports docker.
$ gcloud compute instances create memtest2 --image=cos-73-11647-121-0 --image-project=cos-cloud --zone=us-east1-d --machine-type n1-standard-1
rCreated [].
memtest2 us-east1-d n1-standard-1 RUNNING
$ gcloud compute ssh memtest2
No zone specified. Using zone [us-east1-d] for instance: [memtest2].
Warning: Permanently added 'compute.3342904289974829875' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
issactrotts@memtest2 ~ $ git clone
Cloning into 'mempig'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 41, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (41/41), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Total 41 (delta 13), reused 33 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (41/41), done.
issactrotts@memtest2 ~ $ cd mempig/
issactrotts@memtest2 ~/mempig $ docker build -t mempig .
(yadda yadda)
If we ask for 3G, it works fine:
issactrotts@memtest2 ~/mempig $ docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 3
Allocated 3GiB (3221225472 bytes)
Wallowing in the memory. Press ctrl-C to quit.
However, if we ask for 4G, more than is available on the system, the container gets killed after a few seconds:
issactrotts@memtest2 ~/mempig $ time docker run -it --rm --name mp mempig -G 4
real 0m7.183s
user 0m0.025s
sys 0m0.033s