An implementation of chess in Java
To run just the UI, with two human players at the same computer:
$ ./gradlew runUI
If you'd like to play against a chess engine, you need to install Docker. The rest of the instructions assume you have docker installed and running.
In order to play against the chess engine, you need to:
$ ./gradlew startEngine
# Engine starts on port 1337.
$ ./gradlew runUI --args="--engine-port-black 1337"
# Starts the UI with the engine playing black and human playing white.
Note that you can play against any engine that supports the Universal Chess Interface protocol.
If you'd like to run see two chess engines play against each other:
$ ./gradlew startEngine
# Starts our engine.
$ docker run -d -p 1338:8080 damon/chess-engine
# Starts stockfish engine on port 1338.
$ ./gradlew runUI --args="--engine-port-black 1337 --engine-port-white 1338"
# Watch our engine get crushed by stockfish.