Spacestagram fetches stellar pictures captured by the people at NASA,
with an interface you are quite accustomed to ;)
Try it out here! 🛰
- Spacestagram fetches images from 4 different APIs
- The whole process of fetching these requests is too complex, as different APIs have different responses
- For uniformity, these requests are mapped and changed to our convenience.
- Then the data is displayed as images posted by different accounts (one for each API) in your feed.
- This process of data collection is time-consuming, hence the data is stored in localStorage for faster access.
- On creation of account, you'll start with following three accounts (out of 5 accounts in total)
- It also stores your liked and starred posts and shows it (only to you) in your profile!
- Login instantly with Google Sign-In
- Colorful (Instagram-inspired) UI to view images
- View photos from 4 different APIs
- APOD Story - Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Full Screen View
- Share your favourite images
- Star and Like Posts to view later
This project is made as a submission for Shopify Front End Developer Intern Challenge - Summer 2022